More Reasons to Love Peaches


Peaches are one of the most delicious foods on this earth, according to some people. The love for peaches is so strong that wars have been waged and political policy decided upon for the sake of peaches. But peaches are more than a wonderful tasting fruit that makes everything it gets added to taste better. They are also rich with nutrients and health benefits. Read on to learn some of the best health benefits that peaches have to offer.

Peaches and Their Health Benefits


Peaches are very nutrient dense fruits which is why they have such a high antioxidant content. The antioxidants help to resist oxidative damage which protects your body from aging and disease. The riper and fresher a peach is, the higher its antioxidant content will be, so avoid can peaches in favor of peaches fresh off the tree.

Helps with Digestion

Peaches improve your digestion mostly due to the fruit’s high dietary fiber content. Half of the dietary fiber found in peaches are insoluble fiber and the other half are soluble fiber. The insoluble fiber portion increases the bulk of a person’s stool. The soluble fiber helps to cultivate healthy bacteria in your gut.

Improves Heart Health

Peaches have the ability to lower risk factors of heart disease, like high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure. Peaches can bind bile acids which can be excreted along with the cholesterol they possess via a person’s feces.

Protects the Skin

Peaches have qualities that help protect the skin, specifically its texture. They do this by improving the skin’s ability to retain moisture. The fruit also protects the epidermis against sun damage.

Prevent Certain Types of Cancer

The antioxidant content in peaches also kills free radicals which can cause cancer. They also have the ability to kill cancerous cells to stop them from spreading.

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