Is Mosambi (Sweet Lime) Juice Safe during Pregnancy?

When you are pregnant, it is only a matter of time before the interesting cravings start to set in (please avoid eating waffles with a side of chalk). It is not uncommon for those cravings to develop into an intense sweet tooth. Cravings can be amusing but when they start interfering with your diet they can become a real problem. If your sweet tooth is growing beyond the means of your control it may be time to turn towards mosambi, or sweet lime.

Read on to learn more about sweet lime and see how it affects your pregnancy.

What is Mosambi?

Mosambi is what sweet lime is known as in India. It is a greenish-yellow fruit that is a relative of the lemon. Unlike other limes, mosambi’s tangy flavor is overwhelmed by its sweetness. It makes for a fantastic beverage at just about any time of the year; it is especially great when you’re pregnant and have a craving for something sweet.

Benefits of Drinking Sweet Lime during Pregnancy

The reason that mosambi juice is great for expecting mothers is that it is not only sweet, but it has a large number of health benefits. It is one of those have your cake and eat it too type situations. Some of the more notable health benefits of sweet lime juice are:

  • The calcium and potassium content of mosambi helps with the growth and skeletal development of the fetus.
  • Mosambi has natural cooling properties that maintain an optimal temperature around the fetus that is conducive for brain development.
  • Boosts the circulation of blood in the body.
  • The dietary fiber content of sweet lime stimulates the digestive system and helps with bowel movements.
  • The vitamin C content boosts the immune system and provides the body with antioxidants to kill free radicals.

Curious to know about what you can and cannot eat during pregnancy? Check out our pregnancy section on many such interesting reads!

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