Is it safe for pregnant women to drink water stored in copper vessels?

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda describes the many benefits of storing water in copper vessels. However, should pregnant women drink water that has been stored in a copper vessel? We currently lack enough scientific research to know the correct answer to that question. Pregnant women should obtain the requisite amount of copper from a balanced diet but when it comes to the effects of a copper container on the water stored within, we need more studies to really know the answer. We highly recommend consulting your doctor before you take a decision.

Here are a few important things to remember –

  • In many cases, copper vessels are coated with a protective coating to prevent corrosion. In such a case, in the absence of any standardization, it is difficult to know what it is exactly that the stored water within is actually in contact with since the coating metal will be different.
  • Pure copper has been known to help ease digestive problems. Many such problems like indigestion, acidity, and gas are associated with pregnancy.
  • Copper is also known to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
  • Drinking water that has been stored in a copper vessel can potentially help the body better absorb iron, helping fight anemia.
  • Drinking water stored in copper vessels can also potentially help regulate blood pressure.
  • Clean the copper vessels you use for storing water properly to ensure no bacteria or pathogens can build up.
  • Ensure that you keep the vessel covered at all times.
  • When buying a copper vessel, pay particular attention to the material the vessel is made of and stay away from metals which imitate copper. Remember that pure copper is difficult to mould into very intricate shapes.
  • Always consult with your doctor before you make any changes to your lifestyle or dietary habits.

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