How your diet affects your genes

People are constantly trying to determine what makes the best diet. Everyone has a say in it as well. With a wide variety of information and theories out there, it can be difficult to determine which option is the correct one. Well, now you may be able to ask the ultimate authority on what food you should be eating and how it will affect your genes!

Yes, new research takes diet philosophy to a molecular level to find out exactly how your genes respond to the foods that we consume. And it turns out that your genes aren’t being very bashful at saying what they need. Researchers have actually uncovered the specific ratio of foods that your genes most optimally respond to. For the curiously inclined, the answer is: 1/3 fat, 1/3 carbohydrates, and 1/3 protein.

This ratio was basically determined by trial and error. Researchers fed participants different diets and observed them to see how the diets effect gene expression. Gene expression is the process your gene’s DNA sequence is translated into a protein like substance that is crucial for a cell’s structure and functionality. The food that you eat affects more than just the genes that cause harmful inflammation, they affect just about all the genes in your body. It can lead to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, type-2 diabetes, certain cancers, and other lifestyle related diseases.

Breaking the Mold on Common Dietary Advice

All of this information probably flies contrary to the advice you’ve received in the past. Don’t let that discourage you, new research is coming out every day to explore the relationship between diet and genes. Keep yourself updated and eventually you will have the perfect diet.

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