How to Stop Snoring: Here are Natural Ways to Try

How to Stop Snoring - Natural Ways

Snoring occurs when air flows through the throat while breathing in sleep. The air causes the relaxed tissues inside the throat to vibrate. This produces the snoring sounds that are quite irritating. Snoring might also disturb your sleep. Much more, it could even disturb the sleep of your partner. 

Snoring should not be ignored. It could be a sign of some serious health conditions such as obesity, lack of sleep, and blocked airways. Snoring could also be the result of consuming alcohol just before going to bed or when sleeping on the back. It is very important to seek medical advice, for the doctor is the best judge to prescribe the right medical treatment. Here are some common remedies that can be used to treat snoring. 

Remedies to treat snoring

  • Lose weight: Losing weight will help you to get rid of the problem of snoring. Exercise daily and control your overall calorie intake. Do not sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back causes the tongue to move to the back of the throat. It is advised to sleep on your side. Sleeping on your side will allow air to flow easily and reduce snoring.
  • Do not consume alcohol before you sleep. Alcohol causes the throat muscles to relax. This will cause snoring. Make sure there is always a gap of approximately 4-5 hours.
  • Do not consume sedatives before going to sleep: Do not consume sedatives before you go to bed. Consult your doctor as well who will provide you alternative problems.
  • Take enough sleep: It is advised that you sleep for 8 hours each night. Sleep deprivation could be the cause of snoring. 
  • Quit smoking: Smoking can worsen the problem of snoring. Consult your doctor who will advise you about the best way to quit smoking.

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