Home Remedies for Swollen Feet

Swelling of the feet and the ankles is a very common problem. It can be caused when you stand for a long time, wear ill-fitting shoes, lifestyle factors, and during pregnancy. This happens when fluid collects in the tissues. Remember to always consult your doctor before you try any of the following home remedies.

Home remedies to treat swollen feet     

  • Drink lots of water every day. When the body stays hydrated, it will hold onto the fluids that it has. We recommend drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day.
  • Epsom salt is a great solution to muscle pain as well as swelling and inflammation. You can soak in a cool Epsom salt bath for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Move around if you are a part of a sitting job. Every hour, get up for a while and take a walk. You can walk around in the office or go say hi to a colleague. The idea is to keep up and about rather than sitting in a fixed position for a long period of time. Do some stretches.
  • Watch out for excessive sodium intake. If you think you are consuming a lot of sodium-rich foods, cut down on the intake of such food and opt for low-sodium foods instead.
  • Obesity can also be a cause of the swelling of the feet. If you have extra kilos, this might be a good time to shed some weight and get back in shape. 
  • Massage: It’s a great idea to massage your feet. This will help relieve the swelling in your feet.
  • Swelling can also be caused on account of pregnancy. Always consult your doctor before trying any of the above home remedies if you are pregnant. 
  • A deficiency of potassium in the body can also cause water retention. Eat bananas, sweet potatoes, white beans, and the like which are rich in potassium. 

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