Here’s Why Overeating is Harmful During Pregnancy

Many women gain more weight during pregnancy on the pretext of eating food for two: themselves and the baby. This leads to serious problems in the later stages. Expecting mothers should refrain from overeating as this will lead to increased health risks. It can negatively affect the baby’s health and also make it difficult for the mother to shed weight post pregnancy. The increased weight will lead to back pain, leg pain, and extra pressure on the joints. It will also increase the risk of developing varicose veins.

It is most important to remember that the article does not intend to say don’t eat when you are hungry during pregnancy. Instead, it emphasizes eating a healthy balanced diet and adopting a moderate exercise while avoiding binge eating.

Negative health effects of overeating during pregnancy

  • Overeating could lead to an increased risk of gestational diabetes. The increased sugar level in the body will increase the insulin levels of the baby which will put him at the risk of type-2 diabetes and obesity. As a result, the mother might have to undergo a Caesarean section later.
  • Overeating can also lead to heartburn. It will increase the chances of indigestion and cause heartburn.
  • Overeating can also lead to the risk of respiratory distress and heart disease in the baby.
  • Binge eating can lead to high blood pressure in pregnant women which will, in turn, have an adverse effect on the baby’s health.

Some ways to control overeating during pregnancy

There are several ways to control overeating during pregnancy.

  • Take a light exercise such as walking during pregnancy.
  • Drink lots of water to keep the body hydrated.
  • Stick to a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Stay away from stress and anxiety.
  • You can meditate or listen to music to keep yourself stress-free and joyful.

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