Here Are Foods to Eat to Improve Bone Health

Prevention, they say, is very important because although there are treatments for osteoporosis but once you have the disease, there is little that you can do. The diet that you eat plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis. You should include calcium, green leafy vegetables, fish, egg yolk, proteins, and phosphorus in your diet. It is advised that you consume a balanced diet which includes foods belonging to all food groups so the body gets its nutritional requirements. To provide with the calcium requirements, here are some sources to consider.

Sources of calcium

  • Green leafy vegetables that include turnip, mustard, broccoli, and dried figs
  • Almonds and Brazil nuts
  • Dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk
  • Orange juice
  • Cereals

Sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D is very essential for the body to absorb calcium. The following are the sources of vitamin D:

  • Sun rays
  • Egg yolk
  • Tuna fish
  • Fortified milk

Sources of phosphorus

Phosphorus helps in building bones. The foods that are rich in phosphorus are:

  • Nuts
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Cereals

Improving Bone Health

To prevent osteoporosis, it is very essential that your food have a large quantity of fruits and vegetables. Blueberries, guava, and strawberries are powerful antioxidants and help promote bone health greatly. Prunes are excellent foods that can help reduce the effects of osteoporosis as they help improve bone health. These have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The presence of Boron in prunes helps reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It is recommended to eat 4-5 prunes daily.

Dairy products are not only rich in calcium but also have lots of magnesium and zinc which are essential for bone health. The probiotic properties of yogurt also help the gut absorb nutrients much more efficiently. 

It is recommended to abstain from the consumption of alcohol as it can increase the symptoms of osteoporosis. 

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