Strawberry Face Masks for Healthy Skin


Fruits are essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These wonders of nature are also one of the best ingredients available for a naturally well-nourished skin. When you listen to the word ‘strawberry’, people either imagine ice-cream or a milkshake. However, these exotic fruits offer excellent skin care remedy, especially when combined with other natural ingredients. Strawberry is also known for…

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Why Lavender Oil is Not Recommended for Young Girls

Lavender Oil

Lavender is one of those scents that is pretty commonly associated with the fairer sex. It’s not just associated with them; it is made and sold to women specifically. There are all kinds of lavender bath and body products: lavender oil, lavender lotion, lavender shampoo, lavender body scrub, lavender bath bombs, lavender infused hand cream, etc. Lavender has earned its…

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