Why Vinegar Is The Best Foot Soaking Solution Ever?

If your feet are sore, irritated, or even just smelling a bit funny, you should begin treating them with a vinegar solution. Vinegar helps to protect your feet from bacteria, fungi, and other type of microbes. This powerful astringent effect can provide your feet with some great health benefits. Specifically, it can help treat foot odor, warts, and athlete’s foot.

Foot odor

Foot odor typically occurs from foot sweat and the bacteria that can build up between your toes. Vinegar’s antibacterial properties will kill those bacteria and the odor they cause.

Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is what happens when your feet are infected by particular fungi. Your feet make great environments for fungi to thrive. Use the antifungal properties found in vinegar to cure Athlete’s foot naturally.


Warts are caused by a viral infection; human papillomavirus (HPV) infects a crack in the skin. The antimicrobial properties in vinegar actually protect your body from viruses. This makes it the perfect solution for getting rid of warts. The acidic content in skin also helps to remove dead skin cells and keep your feet clean.

How to make a vinegar foot soaking solution

Use the following recipe to make a vinegar foot soaking solution:

  1. Fill a foot basin with 1 cup of vinegar
  2. Add 2 cups of warm water
  3. Continuously add 1-part vinegar: 2 parts water until the basin is filled to the desired level.
  4. Soak feet for 10 – 20 minutes
  5. Repeat process daily until your foot problems disappear.

The actual type of vinegar you use in your solution shouldn’t have an effect on the efficacy of the treatment. But while the type of vinegar you use won’t change the effectiveness, you should avoid switching between types during treatment. And you should avoid using fruit or herbal vinegar.

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