Top Foods to Eat to Stabilize Irregular Periods

irregular periods

Your period can be a troublesome and vexing condition, especially when it isn’t coming on time. No one has time for that type of mental stress. Thankfully, there are some dietary changes you can make to help regulate your period and alleviate your stress:


This wonderful fruit is one of the best foods available for regulating your period. Papaya actually has the ability to stimulate menstruation, making it great for women who have frequent missed periods or scanty periods. It is also a pretty delicious fruit that can also cleanse your skin and help you achieve a rosy glow.


Parsley is more than that weird garnish that sits on the edge of your plate. It is actually a great substance for regulating your period. Parsley has been used as an emmenagogue to induce menstruation since ancient times. You can maximize its benefits by making a parsley tea and drinking it twice a day. Simply steep a handful of parsley in a couple cups of hot water and drink the tea two times a day.


Turmeric is a powerful herb that is typically consumed for its pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. It has the ability to regulate your period by regulating your hormones thanks to its high amounts of antioxidants. If you take it before your period it can also help to minimize the pain caused by menstrual cramps.


Ginger is a much lauded spice used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can help to alleviate pain. It also helps to induce your periods and is great for dealing with delayed periods. Make a nice pot of ginger tea to maximize ginger’s benefits.


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