Short Term Overeating and How Your Body Adapts to it

Overeating is a pretty common problem for people throughout the world. Most people know that overeating is not a good habit, and people concerned with their health try to avoid it if possible. But everyone will overeat once in a while, food is delicious after all. Keep reading to learn why overeating is bad and should be avoided as much as possible.

What happens when you overeat?

Overeating results in some significant health issues:

Stomach Expands

When you overeat, your body naturally has to make enough room to incorporate all that extra food. You can literally feel your stomach expanding after eating too much. The expanded stomach will press against other internal organs and result in a feeling of discomfort.

Increases the Strain on Your Organs

Another problem of overeating is that it forces your organs to work harder. They end up having to create and secrete an excessive amount of hormones to help break down the food that you’ve over indulged in.

Causes Heartburn

Your body breaks down food, it produces hydrochloric acid in the stomach. When you eat too much, this acid backs up into the esophagus and causes heartburn. This is especially the case when you consume food that is high in fat, such as, pizza, cheeseburgers, corndogs, etc.

Causes Gas Buildup

Naturally, when you eat too much food, one of the consequences is that your body starts to produce a gas byproduct. This isn’t harmful, but it can be pretty uncomfortable, causing stomach pain, and a feeling of bloatedness.

Speeds up the Metabolism

On paper, speeding up your metabolism seems like a good idea. But an increased metabolism comes with its own set of symptoms such as, temporarily increasing your body temperature and causing excess sweatiness and dizziness.

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