Low Meat Diets and Their Benefits

There are a lot of reasons to switch to a low meat diet. Some of these reasons are cultural, religious, or ethical in nature. And some of them are completely concerned with living healthy; it is fair to say that a low meat diet can be very beneficial health wise. But that is only when the diet is done correctly. Like any other diet, it has its own challenges, pros and cons. Read on to learn more about low meat diets and their health benefits.

What Makes a Low Meat Diet

There are many different types of low meat diets that you can try. The correct low meat diet for yourself, is one that meats your goals. If you do not want to cause harm to animals, then you may want to consider becoming a vegan. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, then maybe you will cut out beef and dairy products. Whatever low meat diet you choose, at the end of the day, they all have a couple things in common:

  1. Low meat diets feature little to no protein that comes from animals.
  2. Low meat diets require alternative protein sources.
  3. Low meat diets are plant based.

 Low meat diets do not require you to give up meat entirely, instead, they minimize how much meat you consume. Japanese and Mediterranean diets can be considered to be good examples of low meat diets.

Health Benefits OF Low Meat Diets

And just like how both of these diets are renowned for their health profiles, most low meat diets are very healthy as well. As a plant-based diet, a low meat diet is rich in fruits, whole grains, veggies, legumes, and nuts. People who eat diets like this tend to ingest fewer calories and put on less weight. They also tend to decrease their chances of achieving heart disease, diabetes, or stroke.

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