How to limit the consumption of acidic foods

From the pH value, we come to know about the properties of a substance: whether it is acidic, basic or neutral in character. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. A pH of 0 means that the level of acidity is very high while a pH of 14 is considered to be very alkaline in nature. The different parts of our body have different pH levels associated with them. If you think that you are suffering from acidity, make changes to your diet and it will certainly help to provide you relief from your acidity. 

Acidic foods

Foods that are acidic include sugar, fish, processed meats, sweetened beverages, high protein foods, sodas, and grains. 

There are also certain fruits and their juices that are acidic in character. These include blue plums, lemon juice, pomegranates, grapes, oranges, pineapples, tomatoes, and peaches. All citrus fruits are acidic in nature and are best avoided if you wish to treat reflux. 

You should always remember to use a straw when you drink fruit juices. This will prevent the fruit juice from coming in contact with the teeth and damaging them. 

Low acid foods and what to remember

  • Fresh vegetables, potatoes, beans, lentils, unsweetened yogurt, and milk, olive oil, nuts, and avocados should be included in the diet to treat acidity.
  • If you consume foods that are too acidic in nature, it will increase the possibility of stone formation in the kidney.
  • Too much acidic food can also cause deterioration of the bones and muscles. 
  • Excessive acidity is known to increase heart disease, liver problems, and the risk of cancer. 
  • It is best to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to maintain a good pH level in the body.
  • Green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, and cucumber are known to reduce the level of acid in the stomach. 

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