How Papaya Leaves Help in Curing Dengue Fever

The juice of papaya leaves has been used to treat dengue fever for a long time. Dengue is caused by a mosquito that is found in the tropical and subtropical climates. The symptoms are like flu which develop into a fatal form. It is continuously on the rise and severe dengue can cause death. Unfortunately, no vaccine is available to date. 

The virus is transmitted when the female Aedes mosquito bites a person who is suffering from dengue. When the same mosquito bites a healthy person, the virus is transferred. The symptoms of the disease take approximately five days to show. Dengue fever is associated with a lot of pain. 

You should seek medical help if any symptoms develop and not attempt to self-cure as dengue can be life-threatening if left uncured. 

How papaya leaves help in dengue

  • The juice contains a compound that helps with blood clotting and prevents internal bleeding that is caused by dengue. This compound is carpaine. 
  • The compound carpaine increases the blood platelets which reduces internal bleeding. 
  • Research is also being done on the use of the stem of the papaya plant. 
  • The extract is prepared in water and is given to the patient suffering from dengue twice daily. 
  • Papaya is very rich in vitamin C and E and is also a good source of antioxidants.
  • Dengue fever causes a decrease in blood platelets. The juice from the papaya leaves helps to increase the platelet count. This is considered one of the most convenient remedies for curing dengue. However, you must consult your doctor on noticing the symptoms of dengue at once. 
  • Papaya leaves contain papain and chymopapain. These two compounds help in digestion and prevent bloating. 

How to extract papaya leaf juice

Wash the leaves and boil in two liters of water. Continue boiling till the water reduces to half. Allow the concoction to cool. Strain and store in a clean glass container. It is very effective in treating dengue. 

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