The Goodness of Lemon Water: Start your Day by Drinking it!


If you are suffering from obesity, unhealthy skin, or gut problems, they you may want to begin including lemon water in your diet. Lemon water is easy to prepare, inexpensive, and nutrient rich. Most importantly, it can be prepared right at home in your kitchen – you probably have all the ingredients in your refrigerator right now.

To maximize the benefits of lemon water, you should drink it every morning on an empty stomach. It will improve the efficacy of your digestive system, boost your immune system, and help guarantee steady bowel symptoms. Basically, lemon water will help you alleviate some very basic health problems and greatly increase your quality of life.

Why Does Lemon Water Work?

You’re probably wondering how exactly does drinking lemon water help you. What’s the science behind it? Lemons have potent amounts of vitamin C, and B complex vitamins. They also contain some essential minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and lots of fiber. The minerals in lemons are so concentrated that it actually has to be diluted with water, lest it harm your teeth. Lemons also have antibacterial, immunity boosting, and antiviral properties.

How to Make Lemon Water at Home


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 pitcher chilled water


  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly, making sure to rub down the skin.
  2. Slice the lemon into wedges.
  3. Tip the lemon wedges into the pitcher of chilled water.
  4. Let the lemon water steep overnight.
  5. Drink 1 cup (8 oz. glass) of this water every morning on an empty stomach.

This is one of the easiest health remedies you can subscribe to and see guaranteed results. It is easy to make part of your routine and inexpensive to boot. Just remember, when life gives you lemons, make lemon water.

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