Following the Mediterranean Diet? Here’re the Scientific Benefits You Need to Know About

The Mediterranean diet is one of the best diet plans you can pick up. It is named after the Mediterranean Sea, which is the region where the diet naturally got developed. The popularity of the Mediterranean diet is obvious when you consider how many people around the world actually use it. The secret to the diet’s success is the unique composition of foods that are typically part of it. The Mediterranean diet primarily consists of seafood, fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains. In many ways, it is very similar to the Japanese diet which is another seafood based diet noted for its health profile and ability to improve longevity. Read on to understand how the Mediterranean diet improves your health, scientifically speaking.

The Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

1. The Mediterranean Diet Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Many different studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet is great for your heart. One of the more convincing studies that looked at 7,000 women suffering from diabetes. The participants who utilized the Mediterranean diet had a 30% lower chance of developing heart issues.

2. The Mediterranean Diet May Reduce a Woman’s Risk for Stroke

When a diet helps to reduce heart disease, there is a big chance that it also can reduce your chance of getting a stroke. Recent research has discovered that the diet is very good for women in terms of stroke prevention. The same results have not yet been seen in men.

3. The Mediterranean Diet May Prevent Degenerative Brain Diseases

The Mediterranean diet is considered to be a longevity diet because it helps you live well into your old age. That’s exactly the point that cognitive brain diseases become an issue. The diet helps your brain by improving your blood circulation which is responsible for keeping your brain running optimally.

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