Eggs and Cholesterol: Here’s What You Need to Know

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein out there; they are also great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and other healthy fats. You can eat eggs every day and meet many of your recommended daily intake for a variety of vitamins and minerals. Not to mention that eggs are a very versatile food that can be included in a variety of dishes and meals. As amazing as eggs are, they seem to always come with a warning against overconsuming them due to the idea that they raise your cholesterol levels. But in reality, you can eat 6-7 eggs a week without any problems. This is 1 egg a day. This article will take a look at eggs and how they affect your cholesterol levels.

Eggs and Cholesterol

The first thing to recognize is that eggs do contain cholesterol, but the cholesterol contained inside an egg have absolutely no effect on your blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels are more influenced by other factors such as saturated and trans fats that you consume. So, as far as your blood cholesterol levels are concerned, eating eggs is less important than what you eat your eggs with.

To avoid raising your cholesterol levels while enjoying your eggs, it is important to keep your egg dishes healthy. Eat your eggs with wholegrain foods instead of refined foods and avoid foods like vegetable oils and bacon. Also make an effort to eat your eggs in combination with fruits and veggies, such as, spinach, tomatoes, mushroom, avocados, etc.

If you are trying to include more eggs in your diet, then try eating an omelet for breakfast a couple times a week. You can include all matter of healthy foods in the omelet to make your egg dish as healthy as possible.

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