Eating Salmon during Pregnancy – How Safe is it?

As a pregnant woman, one of your primary goals should be to perfect your pregnancy diet. What you eat while pregnant will have a direct effect on the difficulty of your pregnancy and the success of your child’s development. Everything that you consume will play a role in in your pregnancy. Even foods that you have eaten in the past may function differently once you are pregnant. Take for example, raw vegetables. Most healthy diet programs laud the merits of eating raw veggies, but in fact, raw veggies bear a risk of making a pregnant mother sick.

Unlike raw veggies though, fish like salmon are always good for your health, even when you are pregnant. Salmon is a fatty fish in the same vein as tuna, mackerel, sardines, etc. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which play a major role in your child’s fetal development. As a matter of fact, salmon has an entire slew of health benefits that will make you want to eat salmon all the time while expecting:

1. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s are powerhouse components. They help with your neural development, and also play a role in improving cardiovascular health, and improving eyesight.

2. Filled With Proteins and Vitamins

Protein is the building block of cells. Your unborn child will need as much protein as possible during its development. The vitamins contained in salmon also helps regulate blood pressure levels, prevent heart disease, and bolster your immunity.

3. Improves Your Cardiovascular System

Salmon is far and wide, one of the best things for your heart. It has the ability to regulate your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also helps to reduce the amount of clotting in your arteries which ultimately reduces your chance of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.

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