Protein-Rich Diet Options for Athletes

For physically active people – especially for athletes – there is nothing more important than eating a proper diet. When you play sports, a proper diet heavily features protein, because protein is the building block of the cells, and is the main material needed in muscle tissue repair. When you physically exert yourself, your muscles become strained. If the muscles are overloaded past a certain point, they will actually tear.

The process of tearing your muscles and repairing them, is actually how we become stronger. Naturally the process of increasing one’s strength is of upmost importance to athletes. Most athletic training regimens feature some sort of strength enhancement routine or regimen. Therefore, a protein rich diet is also a major part of an athlete’s training regimen. There are many different protein options available to choose from. Read on to see what the best protein options are for athletes in training.

Protein Rich Foods For Athletes

Wild Fish

Fish are fantastic sources of protein. Wild fish is especially nutritious, possessing an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids which help your brain health.

Eggs are gram for gram some of the best sources of protein. They are very versatile and can easily fit in with a wide variety of meals. Besides protein, eggs are also filled with healthy fats and good cholesterol.

Chicken is a complete protein source; it has all of the essential amino acids that you need to fully benefit from protein consumption. Make sure to eat free range chicken, as they are typically more nutritious than simple farm raised chicken.

Grass Fed Beef
Beef is an excellent source of protein, just make sure you eat clean beef. Grass fed beef tends to be cleaner and more flavorful, as well as being more nutrient dense.

Whey Protein
Whey protein is a great option if you want to take protein as a supplement. It is derived from milk and typically sold in the form of a powder. You can make a protein smoothie using whey protein and really optimize your workouts.

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