ice cubes Recipe

Strawberry Milkshake

Strawberries are seasonal fruits that grow well in cool and mildly warm climates. They are…

Mango Lassi

Lassi is a yoghurt-based drink that can be whipped up in minutes. Lassi is both…

Razzleberry Juice

Razzleberries are mostly enjoyed by people as jam, jelly, pie and cake. You can also…

Cherry Juice

Since summer time is –almost- here, it is time to fill your system with fresh…

Blackberry Juice

The blackberry juice is a sweet treat which is perfect for the spring and summer…

Mint Lemonade

When the day is hot and you need refreshment, try this mint lemonade recipe. Lemonade…

Wood Apple Juice

If you are looking to cool off with a refreshing and tasty drink on a…

San Paulo Cocktail

How do you like your drinks? Do you want it light with a tiny hint…

Jal jeera

Jaljeera, is a popular homemade Indian beverage. It gains its flavored from a unique spice…

Banana Milkshake

Be it an annoying hangover, post-workout stress, or fatigue; the one thing that works best…