ice cubes Recipe

Sweet Lassi

Have you ever seen people talk about the sweetness in drink recipes got from yogurt?…

Summer Cooler

Summer Cooler tastes well. It is an ideal drink recipe that you can always enjoy…

Shanghai Cocktail

Shanghai cocktail is a cool and interesting cocktail recipe. This sweet drink is popular in…

Papaya Milkshake

Have you ever thought of brightening your day with a nice drink recipe? Most of…


The Negroni is a cocktail – a short mixed drink comprises one portion Campari, one…


Royalton is a cocktail predominantly made with whiskey and ginger. That said there’s no hard-and-fast…

Masala Coke

The inviting flavor of Masala Coke comes from the fragrant spices and the fizz comes…

Jack Rose

You might be wondering the best way to entertain your guests when they visit you…

Cucumber Smoothie

The cucumber smoothie is a sweet yogurt drink which is very popular across South Asia…

Watermelon Mojito

The mojito is a Cuban cocktail and contains mint, rum, lime, and sugar. The mojito…