Categories: Snacks

Scrumptious Danish Bear Claw Pastries

Scrumptious Danish Bear Claw Pastries

Bear claw pastries are puffy, sweet little packets of delights that your kids will absolutely fall in love with!

Their presentation makes them a delightful dessert on any table. You can also serve them with evening tea.

Let’s have a look at how this amazing treat is made!

Health Benefits

Bear claw pastry is a one of a kind treat and it is very delicious. However, it contains high calorie content so if you’re trying to lose or maintain your weight, you might want to eat these pastries in moderation!

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red cherries: 200 gm

cups of sugar: 2

cornstarch: 1 tbsp

lemon Juice: 2 cup

Water as needed

danish dough: 1

How To Make Scrumptious Danish Bear Claw Pastries

For Cherry Filling

  1. Place a sauce pan on the stove on low heat.
  2. Remove cherry stems and pits after washing them.
  3. Add the cherries into the pan.
  4. Add sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice and a glass full of water into the pan.
  5. Let the mixture cook on medium heat for half an hour to an hour.
  6. Check the consistency of the filling.
  7. If it can coat the back of a spoon easily then it is done.
  8. Let the filling cool down.
  9. Once it is properly cooled down, fill it up in an icing cone and leave it aside until it is needed for the bear claws.

For the Bear Claw

  1. Place the Danish dough on the kitchen platform and thaw for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Brush off excess dry flour from the top of the dough.
  3. Slice the sheet into 5 inch long 3 strips using a pizza cutter or a dough cutter whichever is available to you.
  4. Take the cherry filling and begin placing the filling in the center of the dough strip in a straight line.
  5. Roll the dough strip into a long thin roll.
  6. Select an edge where you want to make the bear claws.
  7. Press down that edge slightly with your thumb.
  8. Use the bear claw device to add bear claw cuts on the dough.
  9. Once you have clawed the dough cut the pastry into 5 pieces each of which is 5 inches long.
  10. Place the pastries in a baking dish in a curved shape so the claws stand out properly.
  11. Then put them in the proofing box with a temperature of about 85 degrees Fahrenheit so that the yeast dough can rise.
  12. Pre-heat your oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit and bake the Danish pastries for 8 to 10 minutes.
  13. Remove from the oven, let it cool down and enjoy!


  • Bear claw is a yeast doughnut which is in the shape of a pastry.

The pastry has been so named due to the shape that it takes. It has nothing to do with the flavor of the pastry.

Noel Zola :