Magic Cocoa

Magic Cocoa

There is nothing more delicious or heartwarming on a winter night than a hot cup of cocoa. The only thing that could make it better would be to transform your hot cocoa into magic cocoa. What makes the cocoa magical? The love in your heart of course! That, and the fact that it uses cocoa candy melts instead of instant hot chocolate powder. It is delicious and some might say, otherworldly. Really up the amazingness of this experience by stirring your cocoa with a cinnamon stick instead of a spoon.

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1/2 gallon whole milk

12 oz dark cocoa candy melts or semisweet chocolate chips

How To Make Magic Cocoa

  • Heat the milk at a medium-low temperature.
    • Note: Don't let it boil.
  • Add 1/4 cup of the candy melts to each of 8 mugs.
  • Fill them with the hot milk.
    • Stir.


Hot chocolate has been around for thousands of years.

Paulo Ricci :