Categories: Drink

5 Lemonade Recipes for Summer


Summers are here, and so is the time to make lemonade. So when life gives you lemons, what do you do? Of course, make lemonade out of them. But why confine it to one single type? Ought to be in for all variations and make sure you don’t miss out on even one of them. It might be for kids coming back from school or a lemonade fiesta after a long day at work or for brunch, these lemonades will give your loved ones something different to drink rather than the same old fizzy sodas. Here are 5 best lemonade recipes for summer.

Pineapple Lemonade

Tangy, sweet and refreshing, this lemonade is an absolute treat on hot summer noon. Pineapple is a very sweet fruit, and when combined with the zesty lemon, it makes a lovely drink to sip on. You can serve this flavored lemonade during your lunch parties or brunches or have it with your family on a Sunday noon. You can even make this lemonade in a large quantity and store in your refrigerator.

To make pineapple lemonade, first heat water, and ½ cup sugar together and in a large pitcher mix the sugar syrup, 1 cup pineapple juice, 1 cup lemon juice and 2 tablespoon lime juice. Refrigerate the lemonade and serve chilled.

Mint Lemonade

Filled with the sweet and tangy combination, this delicious lemonade will give you vacation “feels”. Mint gives you that refreshing taste in your mouth which is a welcome after a long day at work. And the perk here is, it’s as easy to make!

To make mint lemonade, make sugar syrup with ¼ cup sugar and ½ cup water. Take the juice of six lemons and in a large pitcher add the lemon juice, the sugar syrup and 4 cups of water and stir. Now add crushed 30-40 mint leaves and stir. Your mint lemonade is read. Don’t forget to top it up with a few ice cubes.

Strawberry Lemonade

It’s summer, and it’s strawberry time! The red, sweet berries are not only good for nibbling on but make for a ravishing lemonade. This oh-so-sweet-and-sour lemonade will have you reaching for glasses and glasses of it.

To make this lemonade, add 2 cups of water to a ¾ cup of sugar. Stir till the sugar is dissolved. Take 2 cups of halved strawberries and blend it in a blender. Now take a large pitcher and add the strawberry mixture, sugar syrup, and lemon juice together. Serve with ice.

Blueberry Lemonade

This lemonade is a perfect drink on a hot, sultry day. Filled with the rich taste of blueberries and the sour-sweet taste of lemons, this lemonade will make your heart happy.

To make the blueberry syrup, mix 1 cup water with ½ cup of sugar and keep stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Now add the blueberries and let the mixture boil until the berries break down. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and your syrup is ready! Just mix a part of the syrup in a glass of sparkling water and add ice. Your lemonade is ready!

Sparkling Cherry lemonade

This has to be one of the easiest lemonades ever! Cherries are In the season, and when life is giving you cherries, you make lemonade out of them! This is lemonade that will become your favorite in no time.

To make this splendid lemonade, all you need to do is pitt the cherries and put the remaining into a blender. To make the syrup, throw in sugar, cherries and lemon juice in a blender until it’s smooth. While serving, pour the cherry syrup into sparkling water, and you’re good to go! Cherries are seasonal fruits so make the best of them while you can! It’s irresistibly irresistible.

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Suman Bagga :