Categories: Drink

Beetroot Soup

Beetroot soup, otherwise known as borscht is a traditional eastern European dish. It has spread all across the world and comes in hundreds of variations. Modern borscht is better thought of as a hodgepodge of recipes that fit under one label. That’s one of the strengths of borscht; you can tweak any beet soup recipe to fit your personal palette, so you won’t have to worry about your kids not enjoying it. It makes a great vegetarian dish. The thickness of the beet is an excellent replacement for the texture of meat. Use it to give your veggie friendly guests a unique experience.Do not forget to store some Beetroot Soup in a water bottle from Vaya to sip through the day.

Health Benefits

Borscht has a wealth of health benefits. Beets are not only delicious vegetables, they’re also packed to the brim, with nutrients and vitamins. They are a rich source of vitamin C and can help boost immune system effectiveness. They also have the power to combat diseases like scurvy and improve skin health. Beets are also an amazing source of betaine, an important component that promotes heart health. Betaine lowers homocysteine levels in the body; homocysteine weakens blood vessels which increases your chance of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Beets can also boost the metabolism and act as an aphrodisiac.

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olive oil: 2 tbsp

large onion – finely chopped: 1

garlic cloves – crushed: 2

fresh beetroot – peeled and diced (wear rubber gloves to prevent hands from turning pink): 1 kg

vegetable stock: 1 ½ L

small loaf sourdough bread – diced into large croutons: ½

radishes – finely sliced: 100 g

feta crumbled: 100 g

How To Make Beetroot Soup

  1. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a large saucepan and add the chopped onion.
  2. Fry for 5 mins until the onion slightly softens.
  3. Add the garlic, stirring to combine for 1 min,
  4. Toss in the beetroot and cook for 15 mins.
  5. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil.
  6. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for 30 mins or until the beetroot is tender.
  7. Season well and let cool a little before blending.
  8. Heat the grill to high and place the sourdough croutons on a baking sheet drizzled with the remaining 1 tbsp oil.
  9. Toast until golden.
  10. Whisk the soup until smooth using a hand blender.
  11. If serving the soup chilled, leave to cool completely and let chill for a couple of hrs before serving.
  12. If serving hot, warm through in the pan for 2-3 mins.
  13. Serve in bowls or mugs with the croutons, radishes and crumbled feta scattered over. 


Susan White :