Categories: Side dish

Almond Butter

almond butter

Among all the spreads out there in the market, if you think that there’s none other like peanut butter, you haven’t tried almond butter yet!

Almond butter can usually substitute for peanut butter in recipes, and vice versawhile having similar nutritional elements. Apart from the nutritional benefits, it happens to be that there are a whole lot of recipes that gain from a little almond butter. Be it brownies or smoothies or soba noodles, almond butter summons a zing of flavor and a measure of protein to a many of your favorite dishes.

Almond butter is so versatile that it is used as a spread, as dips, in soups, in dressings and sauces andeven in desserts.Use a spoonful of almond butter to your morning oatmeal and get a unique richness and flavor.

Health Benefits:

Almond butter primarily is a rich protein source. Protein is vital for tissue repair and rejuvenation. Almonds, which happen to be the chief ingredient in almond butter, are a rich source of Vitamin E and magnesium, which contributes to the health of your bones. It also contains ample calcium and copper, which improves functioning of the nervous system. Almonds also help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

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almonds: 4 cup

neutral flavored oil (optional): 3-4 tbsp

How To Make Almond Butter

  1. If you want to make raw almond butter, you need not heat thealmonds; you may skip to the next step. However, if you want to quicken the process, you can preheat the oven at 350 °F and roast the almonds for 10 minutes. 
  1. Let the almonds cool to room temperature.Then, blend the almonds. If you are not roasting the almonds, add some oil to the nuts prior to blending. 

Note: you need an S blade to blend almonds.

  1. Turn on the blender and process them so as to turn the contents creamy. Occasionally stop and grazeoff the sides of the container. This coursemay take about 25 minutes, 15-20 minutes if you heat the almonds in oven.

Note: time taken to completely blend the almonds also depends on the size and strength of your blender

  1. Transfer to an airtight jar and refrigerate to preserve. 


  • Did you know- a20 gms serving of almond butter offers 3.3 grams of fiber, which is 9 % of the recommended daily intake for men and 13 % for that of women.
William Rogers :