Categories: Dish

Aam Chunda

aam chunda

Gujarati culture is a celebration of color and diversity—a melting pot of faiths, peoples, and cuisines. This predominately vegetarian population has mastered the culinary arts. Preparing mouthwatering dishes that help even the most ardent meat eaters lose themselves. Aam Chunda, a spiced mango topping, goes great with everything. Sweet, spicy, and sour, chunda will reward you with a diverse flavor that represents Gujarat so well. Using green sour mangos is essential for the flavor profile and gives the dish an extended shelf life. Which is good news for eating on the go, straight out of your Vaya Tyffyn lunchbox.

Health Benefits

Mangos are rich in antioxidant compounds that are known to reduce the risk of cancer. Quercetin and gallic acid have been proven to fight against leukemia, as well as colon, breast,and prostate cancers. For our younger chefs, you will be excited to learn that mango also helps fight acne. Dietary fibers present in mangoes are effective at reducing bad cholesterol. The vitamin A present in mangoes will improve eye health as well. Packed with tartaric, malic and citric acids mangoes maintain your alkaline levels which can reduce your risk of countless afflictions; such as dry skin, arthritis, and even low energy.

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raw mango –1.25 cups tightly packed grated mango: 2 g

Sugar: 1.5 cups

red chili powder or add as per taste: ½tsp

roasted cumin powder: ½tsp

salt – or to taste: ¼tsp

How To Make Aam Chunda

  1. Add grated mango to a skillet with sugar and salt, blend well, and cook over a low flame

Note: Expansion of sugar relies on the poignancy of the mangoes and your taste. You can use powdered jaggery rather than sugar.

  1. Keep mixing so that the sugar does not solidify.

Note: First the sugar will dissolve and the consistency will be watery. You will see the blend percolating at the point when the sugar syrup begins to cook and the mixture starts to thicken

  1. Switch off the heat at a point when 2 string consistency is achieved.
  2. Addredchili and roasted cumin powder, stir to combine and let cool, and transfer to a clean glass jug or container. Mango chunda is ready!
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