Beverages to Get Rid of Sore Throat

Ginger tea

We all know how annoying and irritating a sore throat can be. You feel that constant itchiness and few remedies can help you get rid of this. Did you know that a sore throat is caused on account of our immune system’s response to any infections? When a bacterium or virus invades the system, the body causes inflammation in the throat’s mucous membranes. A sore throat can be caused by allergies, flu, cold, pollutants, smoke, and dryness. The common symptoms of a sore throat include swollen glands, difficulty in swallowing, pain, and a hoarse voice. It is highly recommended to seek medical help if you find that your sore throat won’t heal for some time.

Drinks for relief from sore throat

Here are some herbal drinks that can offer relief from sore throat:

  • Turmeric milk: This is a proven remedy that has been used for centuries now. Boil a cup of milk with half tsp turmeric. You could also introduce some ghee to get better relief.
  • Ginger tea: Ginger is known to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which can help you get rid of a sore throat and throat pain. Try adding some ginger to your usual milk tea. You could also grate ginger and add to boiling water. Introduce some honey and drink this herbal concoction for relief from sore throat.
  • Ginger-Cinnamon-Licorice Tea: Blend 2 parts of cinnamon, 2 parts of ginger, and 3 parts of licorice (mulethi). Add 1 tsp of this mixture to a glassful of water for some 10 minutes and drink thrice a day for relief.
  • Chamomile tea: A traditional tea that has been used for a long time and is known for its incredible medicinal properties. The consumption of chamomile tea will also help you sleep well. Chamomile is also known for its anti-viral properties and will help fight infections. It is a great idea making chamomile tea and drinking it twice daily.

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Vanathy Shekhar :