Categories: Beverages

Exotic Beverages from Around the World

Kashmiri Kahwa

The world’s an incredibly colorful place with the multitude of cuisines that employ delectable combinations of flavors, herbs, and spices to result in culinary masterpieces which include exotic beverages as well. When you travel to a region, do taste the local delicacies but do not forget to indulge in the divine taste of the traditional beverages as well which play their share of role in shaping regional heritage.

Let us present to you some of the most exotic beverages from around the world that you should certainly try.

Beverages from around the world you should try

  • Kashmiri Kahwa: If you haven’t ever tasted Kahwa, you haven’t lived. Seriously! When you live in ice-cold climes that can chill the bones, you need a beverage that can bring the heat down to the individual cells of the body. The Kahwa does just that for the denizens of the Kashmir region. The green tea from the region combines select spices including cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and saffron. It is often garnished with nuts. The delicacy has numerous health benefits, will keep you warm throughout the day, and is also supremely aromatic and tasty!
  • Turkish Salep: Turkey is known for its beautiful wild forests that are home to exotic orchids. The Turkish Salep is a drink with a creamy texture and is made using a particular orchid bulb powder, sugar, and milk. The beverage is known for its unique and earthy flavor. The Salep also has medicinal properties thanks to the presence of glucomannan in the wild orchid tuber which can heal respiratory ailments.
  • Russian Sbiten: This is a traditional honey-based beverage that has been enjoyed since the 12th century. It is made by boiling water and adding honey along with lemon zest, fruit jam, cloves, nutmeg, fresh ginger or other ingredients. The mixture is steeped for some 15 minutes and then strained.

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Namratha Kumar :