Categories: Rice

White Rice vs Brown Rice: Which is Healthier?

brown rice vs white rice

Who doesn’t love rice? It’s the quintessential food that can be paired with many different curries and vegetables. It is commonly believed that the consumption of rice should be avoided by those who wish to lose weight or those with diabetes. Rice, however, might not always be the enemy and it is important to acquire the right knowledge.

What is white rice?

The effects of white rice on the body is a widely debated topic in the fitness and health circles these days. White rice is actually a highly refined version obtained from raw rice post hulling and milling. The processing removes the germ and the bran which are extremely rich in fiber and are known to have powerful health benefits for humans. White rice, therefore, is basically starch. It loses nutrients including thiamine and other essential vitamins on account of the processing involved in its production. In fact, the consumption of white rice which is not enriched many cause metabolic disorders including obesity and diabetes.

Brown rice and health benefits

  • Brown rice is a healthier alternative to white rice and is considered to be more nutritious as well. Brown rice is basically whole grain with the bran and germ intact. Consequently, brown rice has lots of fiber as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • Since brown rice is not processed to the same extent as white rice it is very nutritious and wholesome.
  • Brown rice is known to contain lots of fiber in addition to polyphenols and phytic acid. Brown rice can also help keep blood sugar levels under control. It is a low glycemic index food which means that it will not release large amounts of sugar post digestion. Since sugars are slowly released, they are absorbed better without raising blood sugar levels abruptly.
  • Brown rice is great for weight watchers as well as it will keep you satiated for long.
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Surbhi Agarwal :