all-purpose flour Recipe

American Parmesan Herb Cheesecake

In the United States, American Parmesan cheese is typically used for topping and garnishing. However,…

Black and White Cookies

Black and white cookies, also known as Amerikaner in the German language, are one of…

Smothered Chicken with Rice and Gravy

A staple of the Louisiana Creole and Cajun cuisine, Rice and Gravy is the best…

Tarte Au Sucre

Tarte Au Sucre is a regional dessert most French children grew up eating. As exquisite…

Quatre-Quarts Cake

The Quatre-quart cake is an exemplary French cake and is otherwise also known as a…


A Pretzel is sort of a baked bread produced using batter, mostly molded into a…

Pain Perdu

It’s Sunday morning. You don’t want to eat the usual breakfast and are craving something…


Madeleines, also known as French butter cakes are something almost everyone has eaten and enjoyed…

La Tarte Aux Myrtilles

The French invented La Tarte Aux Myrtilles, when the mountains of the French Alps gave…

Norman Blackberry Loaf Cake

Norman blackberry loaf cake is a French loaf cake which combines apples and blackberries in…