Watermelon juice

watermelon juice

“I don’t like watermelon.” Said nobody! It’s a universally adored fruit; light, rejuvenating, hydrating, refreshing and easily available, there’s hardly any effort required to whip up a quick glass of watermelon juice. If you’re not quite the party animal that digs cocktails, fresh and healthy watermelon juice is just the right drink for you!

Health Benefits

Watermelon ranks high in vitamins B6, A and C and is also rich in lycopene—an antioxidant that prevents heart disease and cell damage. These nutrients make watermelon juice a highly preferred drink for people who make right eating choices. An insulated water bottle helps retain the temperature at which you pack your beverage.

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Watermelon: 1 Fruit

Honey: 2 tbsp

Cold water or ice cubes for volume

How To Make Watermelon juice


  1. Cut a watermelon into haves and scoop out the pulp.
  2. Add watermelon chunks, honey, water and sugar and blend well.
  3. You may strain the pulp from the juice for a smoother texture.Serve in a tumbler and enjoy!


  • Watermelon is technically a vegetable! It is related to the pumpkin family.
  • Around 1200 varieties of watermelon are grown around the world.
  • You can use watermelon rinds to make pickles!
Namratha Kumar :