Railway Mutton Curry

Railway Mutton Curry

Railway mutton curry is spicy, delicious, and delectable. It is very popular in India and other Asian countries and its popularity is rapidly spreading across other countries of the world. With Asian spices in right amount bringing in flavor and the potatoes bringing in a creamy consistency, this mutton curry is perfect for days you are entertaining many guests at home. Deriving its name because the recipe was developed primarily by the chefs of Indian railways and served in the first-class compartments of trains, this mutton curry tastes best both with roti and rice.

Health Benefits

Mutton is known and loved by many people because of its high nutritional value. It is a storehouse of protein and other nutrients good for human consumption. Protein is a bodybuilder and it also helps heal or repair torn tissues in the body.

Calcium is another health benefit of consuming this recipe. Calcium is good for the teeth as well as the bone of the body. It strengthens the bone and keeps the teeth in good shape.

Vitamins are other health benefits derivable from the consumption of this delectable recipe. These vitamins help in no small measure to keep the body system in good shape and top gear. They also boost the immune system of the body and ensure that diseases are kept at bay.

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mutton- washed and sliced: 500 g

tsp ginger garlic paste: 1

tsp mustard oil: 1

tbsp curd: 1

tsp chili- red powder: 1/2

tsp turmeric powder: 1/2

salt to taste

tsp fennel seeds: 1/2

tsp coriander seeds: 1/2

peppercorns- black: 5

onion- chopped and sliced: 1

potato: 2

tomato: 2

tsp ginger garlic paste: 1

tsp turmeric powder: 1/2

tsp chili powder- red: 1

tbsp mustard oil: 4

salt to taste

tsp garam masala powder: 1/4

tsp ghee: 1

How To Make Railway Mutton Curry

  • Garnish the mutton with ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder, red chili, mustard oil, salt and refrigerate overnight.
  • Dry roast fennel seeds, peppercorn, coriander, cumin seeds and grind everything to powder.
  • Peel the potato, cut, wash and fry for 2 minutes and keep it aside.
  • Heat oil, pour garam masala and fry for 3 minutes. Add the ginger and garlic paste and stir until the raw smell is gone. Add the sliced onions and a little salt.
  • Add tomato puree, green chili, turmeric powder, red chili, fennel, coriander, black peppercorn powder, cumin and stir well.
  • Pour the mutton pieces and cook for 12 minutes or until the mutton is soft and tender.
  • Serve at once.


Potato is one of the most important crops in the world. It ranks only behind wheat, rice, and corn.

Suman Bagga :