Maqluba (Upside Down)

Upside Down, also known as Maqluba, is well known in China and all over Asia because of its delectable taste and inviting flavor. It contains ingredients that are everybody’s favourites, ingredients such as eggs, sugar, butter, pineapple, etc. Trust the recipe, this homemade delicacy will put a smile on your face and your loved ones’ too, with both its taste and flavor profile.

Health Benefits

Egg is one of the ingredients of this recipe and it contains protein and other vital nutrients needed by the body. Protein helps build the tissues of the body and also repair torn ones.

Pineapple is a storehouse of nutrients. It houses vitamins too many to name and these vitamins boost the immunity. An intake of this delicious yet medicinal recipe gives human the following nutritional values.

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cake -yellow and mixed : 1

cup water: 1

cup butter- melted: 1

eggs: 3

cup sugar- brown: 2/3

pineapple- sliced: 1

How To Make Maqluba (Upside Down)

  • Add 1/2 cup butter in a baking pan, melt in oven for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, sprinkle the brown sugar and place pineapple slices over the sugar.
  • Make cake mix with 1/2 cup butter, water, eggs, and mix thoroughly in all directions. Divide cake mix into 2, pour half on the pineapple and use other half to spice up the dish.
  • Bake cake for 30 minutes or until brown sugar drizzles all over the cake, remove from oven and turn into a serving plate.
  • Enjoy!


Did you know to make 1 pound of butter, 21 pounds of milk will be required?

Leya Abbas :