Categories: Dish

Linda’s Lasagna

Linda’s Lasagna

Linda’s Lasagna is the lasagna recipe.. What’s more is that it is the simplest  recipe to preparing lasagna that’s full of flavor! Let’s have a look at this recipe which can serve almost 8 people.

Health Benefits

Lasagna is a rich and creamy combination of cheese, Bolognese sauce and beef. Its calorie content is a little higher than other foods. Therefore, you should eat it in moderation to prevent any adverse effects to your health.

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lasagna sheets: 1 packet

olive oil as needed

Water as needed

olive oil: 3-4 tbsp

cloves minced garlic: 6-8

chopped onions: 2 large or 4 small ones

Ground Beef: 200 grams

salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper: 2 tsp

cumin powder: 2-3 tsp

chopped tomatoes: 3 large or 6 small ones

Garlic powder: 2 tbsp

onion powder: 2 tbsp

Dried oregano: 1 tbsp

dried basil: 1 tbsp

Italian seasoning: 2 tbsp

Sugar: 1/2 tbsp

paprika powder: 1 tbsp

tomato sauce: 2 cans

cottage cheese: 4 cups

grated mozzarella cheese: 4 cups

egg: 1

olive oil: 1 tbsp

How To Make Linda’s Lasagna

For Boiling Lasagna

  1. Take a deep pot.
  2. Pour 5 to 6 glasses of water in the pot.
  3. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of oil in it.
  4. Add lasagna sheets into the water and let these boil until they are half tender. Once that is done, remove them from the heat and set aside until they are needed for assembling.

For the Stuffing

  1. Take a non-stick pan.
  2. Heat up some oil into the pan.
  3. Add minced garlic, chopped onions, ground beef, salt, freshly ground black pepper and cumin powder into the pan.
  4. Mix everything well and fry until the meat is cooked properly.
  5. After the meat seems tender add chopped tomatoes into the pan.
  6. Add garlic powder, onion powder, dried oregano, dried basil, Italian seasoning, sugar and paprika and tomato sauce into the pan.
  7. Mix everything well and cook until everything is well blended and turned into a fine sauce.
  8. Take it off the heat and set it aside until it is needed for assembling.

For Cheese

  1. Take a large mixing bowl.
  2. Break open an egg into it.
  3. Whisk the egg finely then add cottage cheese and mozzarella cheese into the bowl.
  4. Mix all the ingredients well and set it aside until needed for assembling.

For Assembling

  1. Take a large baking dish.
  2. Grease it with oil.
  3. Lay out a layer of the Bolognese or beef sauce set aside previously.
  4. Layer lasagna sheets on top of the sauce.
  5. Add a layer of cheese over it and keep adding layers of all three until the dish it full to the brim.
  6. After adding the final layer of lasagna sheets, top it with the beef sauce.
  7. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on the sauce.
  8. Cover the dish with aluminum foil, sprayed with oil.
  9. Preheat your oven at 475 degrees Fahrenheit.
  10. Bake the lasagna at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 to 45 minutes.
  11. After it’s done, let it cool down and serve with your favorite garnish!


  • There is a National Lasagna Day in Italy. It is celebrated on July 29th.
  • Lasagna is known to be the favorite food of the comic book cat, Garfield.

A song was recorded by the name of ‘Lasagna’ which was composed by the artist Weird Al Yankovic who made it as a parody for the song, ‘La Bamba’.

Gianna Bianchi :