Categories: Dish

Garlic Linguine

Garlic Linguine

Simplicity is often underrated. Try this simple recipe for Garlic Linguine and get the best out of what can be a good way to complement your main course. This Garlic Linguine pairs well with any meat, fish or poultry main course and will add a lot of flavors to your monotonous dinner routine.

Your favorite grilled, sautéed or steamed veggies no longer have to be the same way now, as you can add to them through this simple yet elegant side-dish. The recipe takes around 21 minutes to make and can serve roughly 2 people.

Health Benefits

Garlic Linguine is said to be extremely nutritious, with limited amount of calories. The dish ranks low on the calorie meter, but it comes packed with minerals healthy for your body. These minerals include Manganese, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Moreover, you also get fiber from them.

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ounces of dried linguine, to serve as the main ingredient in the dish: 4

quarter cup of melted butter: 1

teaspoon of garlic minced finely: 1

teaspoon of dried parsley for flavor: 1

teaspoon of seasoned salt to add taste to the dish: 1

How To Make Garlic Linguine

  1. Prepare a large pot of slightly salted water. Once the pot is ready, put it to boil.
  2. Cook linguine in the boiling pot until the dish gets tender and al dente. This would take roughly 11 minutes.
  3. Drain and transfer the pasta to a larger bowl and keep it there for a while.
  4. Mix other ingredients including minced garlic, melted butter and dry parsley in a small bowl. The ingredients should be put in according to the quantity mentioned above.
  5. Once the concoction is ready, drizzle it over the linguine to coat it with the seasonings.
  6. Once the pasta is ready, season it with salt to enjoy delicious taste and flavors.


The garlic clove is not the only part of the plant that you can devour. When you think of garlic, you may think of the cloves, but besides that, you can also try the scapes or green shoots in the plant. This part can also be very delicious and tender to eat. Think of these as garlic scallions that you can munch on for taste. They also tend to add a lot to soups, butters and pestos.

Donna Ricci :