Categories: Coffee

Coconut Water Iced Coffee

Coconut water iced coffee

Who knew such a thing as iced coffee even exited? Well, it certainly does and coconut water iced coffee blends the hydrating punch of coconut water with the magic of cold brew coffee concentrate. The aroma of the coffee melts into the creamy texture of the coconut water to result in a drink truly unparalleled. Ready to experience the chilling magic?

Health benefits

Coconut water is packed with nutrients and is a great way to keep the body hydrated during the scorching summers. It will replenish the minerals and help maintain the balance of electrolytes. Coconut water also has antioxidant properties. The human body produces unstable molecules called free radicals in response to stress. These molecules lead to oxidative stress in the body which can damage the cells and make it disease-prone. Coconut water contains compounds that can neutralize the effects of free radicals so they are no longer harmful.

Coconut water can also help reduce blood sugar levels. The consumption of coconut water can also help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, coconut water can also reduce the risk of heart disease.

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coconut water: 1 cup

coffee beans -coarsely ground: 1 cup

cold water: 4 cups


cream or coconut creme —for stirring

How To Make Coconut Water Iced Coffee

  • Make coffee concentrate to be used later in the process. Combine ground coffee and cold water in a bowl. Stir them briefly, cover, and place the bowl inside a refrigerator for 12-24 hours.
  • Remove the bowl and place a cheesecloth-covered strainer over another bowl. Pour the coffee over the strainer and wait for a while until the blend has been filtered. Throw the grounds away.
  • Refrigerate the coffee concentrate in an airtight container.
  • Blend coconut water and 1/3 cup of the coffee concentrate in a glass with the ice.
  • Stir well to combine them. Add more of each ingredient if you so wish until you get the desired flavor. Serve chilled.


There is an interesting story behind the discovery of coffee. It is said that an Ethiopian goat herder in the 1500s once saw his goats feasting on cherries and developing immense energy levels afterward. They were awake all night and had a changed behavior. Puzzled, the herder shared his observations with the monks who then made a drink using the beans. Thus was born coffee! The monks were delighted and so was the world. Interesting, isn’t it?

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