Blueberry Ice Cream

Blueberry Ice cream

Blueberries are a blessing in the summer. The tangy yet sweet fruit can be the perfect topping on a pancake, can be baked into pies and made into a jam. Another great way of using blueberries is to make ice cream. Since it is primarily a summer fruit, ice cream is a no-brainer when it comes to making a blueberry flavored dish. It is creamy, smooth, and jam-packed with the flavor of fresh blueberries.

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cups blueberries - fresh or frozen: 3

cup granulated sugar – divided: 1

cups heavy cream: 2

cup whole milk: 1

tbsp lemon juice: 1

tsp vanilla extract: 1/2

tsp salt: 1/4

egg yolks: 3

How To Make Blueberry Ice Cream

  1. Prepare the blueberries for the ice cream.
  2. Place ¼ cup of sugar, blueberries, and lemon juice in a sauce pan over a medium flame.
  3. Mash the ingredients into a puree after the blueberries begin to soften.
    1. When the mixture reaches a thick consistency of a puree, remove it from the flame and strain it through a mesh to remove the solid bits.
    2. Set it aside.
  4. Add 1 cup of heavy cream and vanilla to a medium sized bowl and mix it.
    1. Set the mixture aside.
  5. Take the egg yolks and whisk them properly.
  6. Combine the rest of the heavy cream, whole milk, salt and sugar in a medium pan.
  7. Put it over a medium flame and stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves and steam begins to rise.
  8. Gently drizzle 1 cup of the mixture over the whisked egg yolks, while continuously whisking.
  9. Pour the egg yolk and milk mixture in a saucepan and add the previously prepared blueberry puree to it.
  10. Stir the mixture well to combine it properly.
  11. Cook the mixture on a medium flame.
    1. Dip a wooden spoon into the mixture and if it completely coats the spoon then turn the flame off.
  12. Put a mesh over the previously prepared combination of heavy cream and vanilla.
    1. Pour the cooked mixture of eggs, milk, and blueberries into the cream through the mesh to remove any big bits.
  13. Stir the whole mixture by placing it over an ice bath, until it cools down to room temperature.
  14. Cover the mixture tightly and chill it overnight or for at least 6 hours.
  15. Put it in an ice cream churner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  16. Pour the churned ice cream into a container and put it into the fridge for another 3-4 hours or until it becomes solid.
  17. Scoop and serve the ice cream!


90% of the total blueberry produced in the world comes from North America.

Sara Miller :