Categories: Snacks

Baked Beet Chips

Baked Beet Chips

A lot of people probably make a face at the very mention of beetroots, and well the dislike is quite understandable. But surprisingly or unsurprisingly the beetroot can be your savior when it comes to health benefits and nutritional properties. And it is also quite possible to make something very delicious, like beet chips apart from the regular beet dishes you’ve mastered to prepare.

If you are someone who believes in healthy snacking, then this recipe is definitely for you. Beetroot chips are a great way of snacking healthy and ensuring the intake of nutrients. This easy to make, yummy snack will become a favorite in no time!

Health Benefits:

Beetroot can be your best bet when it comes to nutritional properties. They are very low in calories and quite high in vitamins and minerals. Beet regulates your blood pressure which could  be a primary contributing factor of heart attack or stroke.

Beetroots contain nitrates which are good for mental and cognitive functions which generally decline with age.

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4 - beetroots ( of medium size)

½ tsp - powdered black pepper

2 tsp - virgin olive oil

Sea salt as per taste

½ tsp - rosemary (ground)

How To Make Baked Beet Chips

  • Wash the beetroots well and then pat them dry. Now cut the beetroots into extremely thin slices.
  • Preheat the oven at 190 degrees.
  • Brush a baking tray ( preferably a large one)with olive oil. Place the chips on the tray leaving a little margin between each chip and sprinkle the powdered pepper and sea salt over the chips. It is important to leave a little gap so that the chips bake properly.
  • Place the tray inside the oven and bake the chips for as long as 20 minutes. It would be better if you keep checking for every 10 minutes because beetroot burns quickly.
  • After 20 minutes remove the tray and let the chips cool. Serve fresh.

Tips : You can bake a huge batch and store them in an airtight insulated container to binge on them whenever you feel like it.


  • This might come as a surprise but Beetroot is a cure for hangovers.
  • Betacyanin which is the pigment that is the reason behind beetroot’s colour is an anti-oxidant.
Vanathy Shekhar :