Apricot Nectar

Apricot Nectar

A majority of people hate eating apricots yet love drinking them by sipping down apricot nectar. Making apricot nectar is a little boring, but it is worth all the hassle.

It is something you cannot ever get enough of. You might hate eating raw apricots, but will have 6 gallons of nectar lying around in the kitchen/refrigerator – yes, it is that delicious. And even then, you’d want to consume the drink slowly so that it doesn’t finish soon.

You do need a large container to stock nectar. On the off chance that you utilize littler containers, a standard sized stock pot will work. Simply ensure that the containers are filled up with bubbling water completely when you process them.

The best part about having apricot nectar around is that you can utilize it for different things – apricot syrup for pancakes?! Oh yes, anyone will love it!

Here is how you can make apricot nectar.

Health Benefits

  • One apricot has just 17 calories.
  • Apricots are an amazing wellspring of vitamin A and an affluent source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and potassium.

It is known to improve bone and muscle health, brain function, eyesight, and digestion. The fruit also has elements that have the ability to fight and kill cancer cells and treat blood disorders.

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apricots halved and pits removed: 10 cups

coconut sugar: 1 cup

agave nectar: 1/2 cup

lemon Juice: 1 1/2 tbsp

water: 5 cups

How To Make Apricot Nectar

  1. In a large saucepan, put apricots and water.
  2. Bring the water with apricots to simmer and lessen down heat to medium.
  3. Allow to simmer for about half an hour or until apricots are very soft and completely mashed.
  4. Let the mixture pass through the mesh while pressing the apricots through the mesh with a spoon. Place a large bowl beneath to collect the puree.
  5. You will end up with puree and liquid in the bowl.
  6. Keep pressing through the mesh until there is no more puree dripping. Too much apricot puree is not needed as it will result in brownish nectar.
  7. Include agave syrup, sugar, and lemon juice and mix for a couple of minutes.
  8. If you want to preserve the nectar, dispense it into a canning jar and place in a large pan of boiling water. Make sure the whole jar is completely dished in water and let boil for about 20 minutes.
  9. Remove the jar from hot water, let it cool, and stock for up to 6 months in a cool place without moisture.


  • In North America, fresh apricots are accessible year-round. From May through August, the fruit is found in abundance in California and Washington. The rest of the supply comes from South America.
  • The fruit is from the rose family and looks similar to peach and plum.
  • The apricot is called praecocquum in Latin, which translates "early-maturing peach."
  • In Asia, apricots were introduced over 4,000 years back, moving to Persia and the Mediterranean before Spanish travelers conveyed them to the United States.

In China, apricots were once called "moons of the faithful" and were thought to improve fertility in women.

William Rogers :