Acai Berry Juice

Acai Berry Juice

Acai berries are the products of acai palm trees which are generally developed in Brazil’s Amazon rain woods.

These little purple berries pack a nutrient-rich punch with cancer prevention agents, amino acids, and basic unsaturated fats.

Named by the Brazilians as the “Beauty Berry,” acai berries are not only healthy but taste awesome too.

The most common approach to eating these berries is preparing an acai berry smoothie or juice  and garnishing is with cut bananas, strawberries, and granola.

If you are planning on consuming the drink later, make sure you refrigerate or store it in an insulated water bottle to retain the freshness and temperature.

Learn how to make it using the recipe below,

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orange juice: 3/4 cup

medium banana: 1

strawberries: 1 cup

acai berries (or their frozen pulp): 1/2 cup

chia seeds (optional): 1 tsp

How To Make Acai Berry Juice

  1. In your blender, combine together the bananas, strawberries, and acai berries.
  2. Blend them thoroughly.
  3. Include orange juice to this blend and run the blender again.
  4. Serve fresh in a glass and top with soaked chia seeds.


Since acai berries are developed essentially in Central and South America and are highly perishable, freshly grown acai berries are not easily accessible in the United States. Yet, what is easily available are pulped and flash-frozen berries, which are ideal for making your acai bowl base.

Search for them in the frozen food segment of a store – Sambazon is a standout amongst the brands that are widely available. A prominent spot amongst the most well-known regions where acai bowls are loved in, outside of South America, is Hawaii.

On an excursion to Oahu, you would get to observe acai dishes to be the ideal post-surf dish, so a lot of people take motivation from the island to make these juices or bowls. Don't hesitate to experiment with various nut milk, or perhaps even include a scoop of peanut butterfor extra protein, sprinkle in taste intensifiers like honey bee pollen, and enjoy the refreshing taste!

Sara Miller :