Categories: Breakfast

Wheat Idiyappam

Wheat idiyappam is a bit unique as far as idiyappam is concerned. Traditional idiyappam is prepared using rice flour, which is responsible for its traditional white coloring. Wheat idiyappam is naturally made using wheat flour, which can affect its coloring if you use whole wheat flour (you should be using whole wheat flour – it is healthier). Brown idiyappam may seem strange at first, but it tastes just as great as traditional idiyappam.

Health Benefits

Wheat has gotten a pretty bad reputation lately. This is unfortunate because wheat is actually one of the best grains to include in your diet, so long as it is whole wheat. Wheats bad reputation comes from the rise in processed flour. Whole wheat has dietary fiber and protein which makes it extremely beneficial to consume. Wheat products made from processed flour are essentially empty calories because they don’t have any nutrients your body can use.

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wheat flour: 2 cups

lukewarm water as needed

salt as needed

oil: 1 tsp

How To Make Wheat Idiyappam

How to make Wheat idiyappam

    1. Spread a muslin cloth and spread wheat flour in a steamer.
    2. Boil water in a pot.
      1. Steam the flour for 15-20 minutes.
    3. Make a smooth dough utilizing the flour by combining the salt, oil and lukewarm water.
      1. Make dough when the flour is warm.

         Note: do not let it cool down completely.

    1. Grease the idli or idiyappam mold.
    2. Press the dough using an idiyappam maker.
    3. Steam for 5-7 minutes or till cooked.
    4. Allow it to cool down.
      1. Remove from the mold gently.
      2. Serve hot with stew or coconut milk.


    749 million tons of wheat was produced in 2016.

    Mithra Bhargav :