Categories: Noodles

Veg Hakka Noodles

Veg Hakka Noodles

Hakka cuisine is a cooking style that originated with the Hakka people from Indo China. Although they are predominantly located in Taiwan, their population ranges throughout South East Asia, including Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and of course India. Hakka noodles are prized for their simplicity and ability to pair well with all manner of veggies, making them great for both vegetarians and vegans. It’ll keep your food fresh and warm.

Health Benefits

Hakka cuisine is considered to be particularly healthy due to its inclusion of vegetables, grilled meats, and rice flour. It is a natural gluten free powerhouse that is rich in vitamins. Necessary nutrients like, vitamins A, C, and D, which helps boost the immune system and increase the body’s rate of recovery. The protein added to the noodles is also great for recovering from muscle fatigue and repairing damage done to muscle tissue. The noodles also avoid the inflammation and indigestion that eating wheat noodles cause to the body due to the gluten free properties of the rice noodles.

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hakka noodles: 200 gm

spring onions--finely chopped; reserve greens for garnishing: 4

carrot--julienned: 1

French beans—finely chopped: 10

button mushrooms—finely chopped: 5

capsicum--finely chopped or julienned: 1

minced garlic: 1.5 tsp

tsp finely chopped celery: 1

tsp rice vinegar, white vinegar, or rice wine: 1/4

soy sauce: ½ tbsp

tbsp oil for coating the noodles: 1/2

chilli sauce: ½ tsp

tbsp oil for stir frying + 1 tbsp for boiling noodles: 2

Salt and pepper as required

How To Make Veg Hakka Noodles

  1. Heat olive oil in a pan and fry onion until see-through.
  2. Add ginger garlic paste and stir-fry, then add carrot pieces and continue to stir-fry for 2 minutes.
  3. Add mushrooms, chicken, and potatoes, stir-fry, and cook for 2-3 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Add cut green chilli and tomato paste, and mix thoroughly.
  5. Add water and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Continue to cook over medium heat for about 17 minutes, until potato and carrot are cooked through and soft.
  7. In a separate pot, bring water to a boil and add the egg noodles. Cook according to their package instructions.
  8. Remove noodles from water and split evenly through serving bowls.
  9. Add spinach to the soup pot, mixing thoroughly, and allow to cook for about 4 more minutes.
  10. Remove from heat and mix in lemon juice and soy sauce.
  11. Pour over the egg noodles in their serving bowls and garnish with chopped spring onion.Packing this for lunch? Make sure you carry it in an insulated lunchbox or storage container


  • Thukpa bears many similarities with momos. They are both comfort food well worth the effort put into them, and both came all the way from the mountains of Tibet to have a heavy influence on multiple cuisines around the world.
Lian Wong :