Pear Juice

Pear Juice

Despite the fact that pear is regularly regarded as a typical and dull fruit, there are numerous amazing medical advantages of pear and pear juice.

The pear is a sweet (and somewhat sour) fruit that is related to the apple. Both of them are from the Pome family.

Pear juice is not only delicious but is extremely healthy for you. If you have not tried it before, here is the easiest pear juice recipe you can use to energize yourself and be healthy simultaneously.

If you are planning on consuming the drink later, make sure you refrigerate or store it in an insulated water bottle to retain the freshness and temperature.

Health Benefits

  • Pears are a great wellspring of water-solvent fiber. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, folate, and niacin. They are also rich in minerals, for example, copper, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • Pears help prevent hypertension, strokes, and high blood pressure.
  • The high vitamin C and copper content imply that pears are great antioxidants, shielding cells from free radical damage.
  • The high gelatin substance in pears makes them perfect for bringing down cholesterol levels.
  • Pears also have high fructose and glucose content which make it a fruit that invigorates you and keeps you energized for long.

Pears mitigate the effects of fever, prevent flu, and calm any irritation or allergies you might have.

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pears (quantity depends on the amount of juice you want)

optional ingredients such as other fruits or vegetables and spices

How To Make Pear Juice

  1. Bathe and thoroughly wash the pears with cold water in the sink. Gently rub against scrub all the surface area with a brush or with your hands to get off the dirt.
  2. Cut through the center and remove any seeds that are there. Discard the center part which has seeds, the seeds, and the stem.
  3. Slice the pears into chunks that are a perfect size to fit in your juicer’s tray and tubes.
  4. Cut and set ready any additional ingredients you want to use in your pear juice. Other fruits, such as apple or mango, work really well and so do some vegetables including cucumber, celery, spinach, kale, carrots or broccoli.
    Hurl them into the juicer along with any herbs and spices of your choice. These spices often include cinnamon, nutmeg, clove or ginger.
  5. Set the juicer on and let the pear and other ingredients run through it. Make sure you go according to your model's instructions.
  6. Take out the pulp that is still there and run through the juicer again, if needed.
  7. Serve! Pear juice is meant to be consumed fresh because unpasteurized juices should not be stored.


  • Pears are one of the world's oldest and dearest fruits. In 5,000 B.C., Feng Li, a Chinese representative, deserted his job when he started to grow peaches, almonds, persimmons, pears, and apples as a business wander.
  • In The Odyssey, the Greek poet, Homer, commends pears as "gift of the gods".
  • Among all the species of pears, the Chinese pear is known to have the best healing qualities.

Pears are in season amid the late spring, the months from June to September, based on the type and region in which they are grown.

Ying Yue Jiang :