Categories: Salads

Italian Potato Salad

Italian Potato Salad

This Italian potato salad, in my opinion, is the world’s best potato salad. The recipe may be simple and easy to make, but hardly lacking in mouthwatering goodness! Try it once, and it will be in your regular rotation. I eat this to supplicate my craving for more unhealthy options, such as French fries. Your kids will even love it. Make it for lunch or take it on the go with you Vaya Tyffyn lunch box.

Health Benefits

Potatoes are a powerhouse. Rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and many vitamins they are a vital part of every diet and are incredibly healthy. It is recommended to include the skin for the highest concentration of these vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C helps fight everything from the common cold, to scurvy. Olive oil has been shown to decrease risk of breast cancer and staves off recurrence. Rich in monounsaturated fats olive oil protects from many chronic diseases such as diabetes type 2 and heart disease.

Amt. Per Serving
Calories 211.4
Calories from Fat 122
Total Fat 13.6 g
Saturated Fat 1.9 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 9.6 mg
Total Carbohydrate 20.8 g
Dietary Fiber 2.7 g
Sugars 0.9 g
Protein 2.5 g

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new potato – skins on: 1 lb

cup extra virgin olive oil: 1/4

garlic cloves: 3-4

cup chopped parsley: 1/4

salt and pepper

How To Make Italian Potato Salad

  1. Boil potatoes – keeping skins on until they become tender.
  2. Crush garlic into medium-sized serving bowl and add chopped parsley.
  3. Add olive oil and mix well.
  4. Let mixture sit while potatoes are cooking.
  5. Cut potatoes into bite-sized chunks when they are done and still hot.
  6. Add the potatoes to the parsley-garlic mixture.
  7. Stir well to coat potatoes.
  8. Salt and pepper to taste.
  9. Let sit for at least an hour.
  10. Serve and enjoy!


Raw potatoes can be toxic to human beings.

Donna Ricci :