Categories: Tea

Hot Cranberry Tea

Hot Cranberry Tea

If you are ever tired of eating or drinking same old, passed down recipes, you can always invent a new one. Well, that’s how the ancestors, from every part of the world, invented all the dishes, you and everyone else enjoys. Beverages are also passed down from many generations. Tea, in particular, was a first brewed in China and later spread everywhere else.

Most people start their day with a hot cup of tea or have it between the meals time or in the evening, the high tea. The common tea is black tea with milk and green tea or herbal tea. Hot cranberry tea will be in your favorite flavored tea because it is just not your regular tea. Though it is called ‘tea’, it is more like a hot tangy, tasty punch that will revive your body and mind.

Health Benefits

Cranberries contain less calories and high vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. They are a good source of vitamins and antioxidants. Though not proven, cranberry can help prevent from urinary tract Infections. They also prevent from gum disease and benefits oral health. Nutrients in cranberries can help slow tumor progression. People who use blood thinners should ask their doctor as it has vitamin K.

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cup water: 2

cup sugar: 1/4

inch cinnamon stick: 1/2

cup orange juice: 1/2

cup cranberry juice: 3/4

tsp lemon juice: 1/2

How To Make Hot Cranberry Tea

  • In a pan, add water, sugar (as per the taste), cinnamon stick and boil for 10min on medium flame.
  • Add orange juice, cranberry juice and lemon juice to the pan and simmer for 20mins.
  • Pour into a cup and serve hot.


  • Most cranberries are made into products such as juice, sauce, jam, and sweetened dried cranberries, with the remainder, sold fresh to consumers.
  • Good, ripe cranberries will bounce. Bounce berry is another name for them.
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