Categories: Tea

Here’s How This Tea Can Help You Look Younger

Agreed, matcha isn’t everyone’s cup of tea! But what if we told you it’s packed with lots of nutrients and antioxidants that help fight aging? Yes, indeed! Matcha might not taste right for some but it certainly packs in a powerful punch. A very powerful one at that.

Let’s dive right into the numerous health benefits of Matcha.

Health Benefits of Matcha

Matcha has nearly 60% catechin which is considered to be an extremely potent antioxidant. It makes a great face wash and toner as well.

What’s more, Matcha green tea packs in theanine, an amino acid which helps detox and fight aging as well as pigmentation. Some experts believe Matcha has more antioxidants than other foods such as berries and even pomegranates. It is these antioxidants that help fight diseases and keep us healthy. Matcha is also rich in polyphenols.

Matcha has been known to help improve skin elasticity and protect the skin from the damage caused by the UV rays. Matcha can also help burn fat since it promotes metabolism and can, in fact, increase the level of fat burning by as much as 4 times. Matcha is packed with Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives leaves their rich green color. It is this pigment that can help detoxify the body and remove harmful chemicals leaving you revitalized and refreshed.

What’s more, Matcha also has strong antibacterial compounds which means you can use it to fight colds and flu!

How to use Matcha tea

It is simple enough to use Matcha tea in your daily fitness regime. All you need to do is add a daily serving of Matcha and see the difference for yourself! You need not stop taking your regular green tea. Just a cup of Matcha a day will do!

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