Categories: Noodles

Homemade Noodles

Homemade Noodles

Yes, homemade noodles do take more time and effort to prepare than the ones that are store-bought but the moment you take your first bite, you know it was worth the hard work.

Noodles are common around the world and there’s no place that has no noodles on the table, but homemade noodles are far better-tasting and richer!  Moreover, homemade noodles are healthier and you can customize them to be the type you like.

Long or short, thick or thin, you can make it just the way you like it.

Here is how you make noodles from the scratch at home.

Health Benefits

Homemade noodles (unlike instant noodles) have no preservatives, are fresh, clean and safe to eat, and customized according to your choice. When consumed in moderate quantities, homemade noodles can be a tasty treat.

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cups all-purpose flour: 2 to 2-1/4

teaspoon salt: 1/2

egg yolks and 1 whole egg, lightly beaten: 2

cup water: 1/3

teaspoon vegetable oil or olive oil: 1

all-purpose flour

How To Make Homemade Noodles

Homemade noodles may sound like a difficult time-consuming idea but it’s easy and fun instead. Here’s the easy recipe you can try.

  1. Prepare the Dough

Take a large bowl and stir salt and 1-3/4 cups of flour collectively. Mix thoroughly and stir in a manner that there’s a depression (well) in the middle of the flour mixture.

Combine egg yolks and the whole egg in a small bowl and further mix with water and oil. Next, add this mixture to the well created in the salt-flour blend that was earlier prepared.

You may feel that the dough is really sticky at this point but it will become smooth and less sticky as you knead it.

2.Knead the Dough

The remaining flour is now to be sprinkled on a clean kneading surface. Once done, let the dough onto the floured surface. Start kneading the dough and knead for 7-8 minutes or until it is smooth.

Kneading: To knead, fold the dough and push it with the heel of your hand(s). Keep turning and pushing in this manner until it is even and non-sticky.

Now cover the dough with a dish and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

3.Roll it Up

Divide the dough into four equal portions. Lay each portion on a lightly floured surface and roll into a 12x9 inch rectangle or if you have a pasta machine, run the pieces through it until 1/6 inch thick.

Dust both sides of each piece with flour, cover, and let rest for 20 minutes.

4.Cut into Noodles

Roll the dough onto a spiral and slit the spiral diagonally into ¼ inch wide strips.

Unroll, separate the strips and cut into 2-3 inch length.

Your noodles are ready to either be immediately cooked or dry and stored.


The origin of noodles is Chinese. According to Wikipedia, the original written record of noodles is found in a book dated to the Eastern Han period. Noodles become a staple food for the people of the Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE).

The oldest evidence of noodles being consumed was from 4000 years ago in china. A team of archaeologists reported finding a ceramic bowl in 2005 that contained 4000 years old noodles at the Lajia archaeological site.

Ruth Mancini :