Categories: Snacks

Creamed Corn

Creamed Corn

When it comes to creamed dishes, one cannot simply forget the name ‘creamed corn’. The recipe is very easy to prepare and is delightful.

Creamed corn is a dish that works great as a side dish for chicken or pork but tastes equally good if eaten on its own.

Health Benefits

  • Besides containing a lot of water (which is good for health), corn is principally made of sugars and has little measures of protein and fat.
  • Sweet corn is stacked with lutein and zeaxanthin, two phytochemicals that promote stronger vision. Other than assisting with weight loss, the insoluble fiber in corn upholds good bacteria in your gut, which helps in digestion and helps keep you healthy. Toss in a sound measure of B vitamins, in addition to iron, protein, and potassium and you have one sweet bundle of corn.

Indeed, you can stack up natural corn with margarine and other unhealthy garnishes. However, a single plain ear of corn has around 100 calories, the same amount an apple has. What’s more, with almost 3 grams of fiber for every serving, corn can enable you to feel full soon, so you’re reluctant to eat a lot and pack on the pounds.

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freshly grated parmesan cheese: 1/4 cup

all-purpose flour: 2 tbsp

whole milk: 1 cup

Butter: 2 tbsp

Freshly ground black pepper: 1/2 tsp

granulated sugar: 2 tbsp

teaspoon of salt: 1

heavy cream: 1 cup

package frozen corn kernels, thawed: 2

How To Make Creamed Corn

  1. Take a skillet and set it over medium heat.
  2. Add corn, cream, salt, sugar, pepper, and butter and mix thoroughly.
  3. Beat together the milk and flour and stir in the corn mixture in the skillet.
  4. Stirring continuously, cook over medium heat until you get a thick mixture.
  5. Check if the corn is cooked through (pick one using a spoon and taste).
  6. Take away from heat, hurl in the Parmesan cheese and mix until cheese is melted.
  7. Serve hot!


  • Creamed corn has its root in the Native American food and today, it is a popular food in the Midwestern and Southern United States.
  • Corn is also otherwise called maize (Zea mays) and is a standout amongst the most prominent cereal grains on the planet.
  • It is the seed (grain) of a plant from the grass family, locally grown in Central America, however, is developed in countless varieties all through the world.

Dorchester agriculturists won blue ribbons for the biggest, juiciest, yellow corn ever in the years 1885, 1886, 1887, 1889, 1893-1898, 1903, 1912-1914, 1916, 1921-1926, and the 1954 Massachusetts State Fairs.

Sara Miller :